The Perfect Tyme

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Landscape & Wildlife Photography Workshops

The Perfect Tyme Landscape &
Wildlife Photography Workshops

       Combines the Art of Photography with the Joy of Travel

Perfect Tyme Landscape & Wildlife Photography offers photography enthusiasts a unique opportunity to travel to fabulous locales, photograph world class images, and learn how to become an expert with Photoshop.  Traveling only to exotic and unique locales, the Perfect Tyme Photography & Wildlife Workshops are the only digital workshops of their kind, taking a complete digital lab to each location to maximize your shooting and learning experience.   

Designed for premier on-location photography and hands-on digital enhancement of your photos, photo shoots will be held at daybreak and sunset, capturing the best lighting conditions to create a majestic backdrop for your image.  Each shooting opportunity is planned to maximize the learning experience as well as provide each participant with “take home” images that will rival the professionals.

During mid-day, the least-favorable lighting environment, you will learn how to enhance your images with Photoshop.  The workshop is not a school experience, so while we will get up before sunrise each day and stay out past dark, you can choose to participate in whatever you wish.  The class is designed to help you enjoy your time and improve your photography skills, not to be a harsh task master.

Everyone has a story to tell, a passion to promote, and each of us sees the world through a unique set of eyes.  When you look through the camera lens, what do you see?  What stirs your heart?  What story do you want the world to see through your eyes?  Photography provides a stage…to share your vision and heart with others.  What do you see when you look at the world?

Shooting Locations

Each day we will take you to a memorable location, and you will be able to shoot anything you wish.  I will try to give you some insights before you arrive, to prepare you to identify interesting shots to capture.   My main goal is to provide you with a wide variety of photographic tools so when you are out on your own, you have all the tools necessary to capture the passions of your heart to share with others.  At the same time, I hope you will capture some “killer” images of a lifetime in addition to learning professional tips of the trade at the workshop.

At the various shoots, I will assist you with setting up your shot.  You may set up your tripod right next to mine, adjust your camera settings the same as mine, and even to look through my view finder to see if you have captured the “image” as I have, if you wish.  I have no secrets to guard or inflated pride of authorship of what I see.  While other professional photographers might distance themselves from class members and not share their camera settings, I will share my knowledge, settings, and perspective to help you capture some fantastic images and learn how to repeat the process after you return home.

I can’t control the weather, so day to day, I will adjust our plans and locations for shooting based upon the conditions presented.  But even the worst weather conditions often provide better images if we get out there and catch the moment when others aren’t willing to go.  I won’t cancel a shoot for bad weather, but I might change locations because of light conditions.

Photoshop Classes

Afternoons will be devoted to enhancing the images you took on location.  Using Photoshop software, a premier tool of all commercial art businesses, on your personal laptop, we will enhance the images you captured from the previous location shoot.  This doesn’t mean we will use digital magic to make bad pictures look great, even though that is possible to some degree with Photoshop.  Rather, we will use Photoshop to “finish” your images so they capture a viewer’s interest. 

Ideally, of course, our goal is to capture the perfect image every time we shoot on location without the need to enhance the photo.  Thus, we will work on improving your professionalism as a photographer at the time of capture, capturing the perfect image with slow, deliberate, and painstaking care.  As you learn to set up each shot on location and maximize the quality of the image without Photoshop, you will be well on your way to creating professional-quality images with every image you capture.


Class sizes at these world-class travel destinations are limited based upon each particular destination and fill up quickly, especially the popular float-plane Alaska trip for bear photography that is limited to 10 people.  Once a scheduled workshop is filled, there will be a waiting list in the case someone’s workshop reservation is canceled. The highly-rated and unique Alaskan bear photography trip is sure to be full early, so be sure to enroll before January 1, 2011 to secure your place.

Keep looking for that Perfect Tyme


  1. Please contact me personally at 713-502-9235 or at if I can help answer any questions you may have about any of our workshops, the locations, or what happens at any of our classes. I look forward to your call.

    Best wishes and happy shooting!!

  2. How long is each workshop. Is it week long classes?

  3. The workshops typically run from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday evening. So you could arrive as early as Friday or as late as Sunday morning and return home as early as Thursday morning or stay thru the following weekend. There are exceptions to this schedule but this is most common for most workshops.

    Keep chasing the light!

  4. Hi,

    It is a art of a person to capture the valuable moments of an enjoyable travel. The above pictures of nature are very nice. Thanks a lot...

    Wildlife Photography


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